At TradeGrub, we take privacy seriously. We are fully compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and provide services to brokers in the European region as a white-label trading platform. TradeGrub is committed to protecting your personal data and ensuring that any information you provide is kept secure and used only for the purposes necessary to enhance your trading experience.
TradeGrub only collects the minimal information required to establish a secure connection with your trading account. We believe in keeping your data safe and only gather information that is essential to the functioning of our services. TradeGrub never shares your personal information with third parties.
To further protect your privacy, TradeGrub offers the option for anonymous sign-ins. You can create a private, anonymous profile to participate in trader room discussions. This allows you to engage with the community while maintaining your anonymity.
For added security and privacy, TradeGrub forums do not allow direct messaging between users. This ensures that your private data and conversations remain protected. Our platform is designed to foster discussions within a secure and controlled moderated environment.
TradeGrub is committed to providing a seamless trading experience free from distractions. We do not display advertisements on our platform, ensuring that your experience remains focused solely on trading.
At TradeGrub, we respect your privacy and are dedicated to safeguarding your personal data. We are continually enhancing our privacy measures to provide a secure, private, and user-focused experience. We DON'T sell, monetize, or commercialize your data in any shape, way, or form.
We prioritize the security and privacy of our users, implementing best practices to protect sensitive information at all times.
You can read more about the full TradeGrub Privacy Policy here.